St. Albert Train Station

St. Albert, AB

This Arts and Heritage Foundation of St. Albert building was designed to replicate the original 1920’s train station down to every detail.

All finishing was completed by hand to match what would have been carried out originally. A basement was also constructed and is used as a classroom and for gatherings.

FH Collins Outdoor Learning Classroom

Whitehorse, AB

Constructed from a combination of cast-in-place concrete columns and glulam framing, the space will provide a covered outdoor learning area for students at the F.H. Collins Secondary School in Whitehorse, YT.

Pyramid Lake Riding Stables

Jasper, AB

After being destroyed in an explosion, the Pyramid Lake Riding Stables needed to be replaced quickly. Located in Jasper and dependent on a seasonal operation, the owner contracted Johnston Builders to rebuild a facility identical to the previous structure.

The new, six-unit staff accommodation facility was completed in June 2011 and a prefabricated concession building was also built and moved to the site. As a preventative measure, the building was upgraded from propane to electric heat.

FortisAlberta Solar PV

High River, AB

Covering 3.8 acres at the FortisAlberta High River facility, 3 modular sub-arrays were constructed on precast concrete blocks with a conversion capacity of 148kW.

In order to aid with data acquisition, each sub-array utilized a different type of inverter.